Zsolt Tasnádi

I'm a

About me

Software Architect

Hi! I’m Tasi, an 37-year-old IT expert who fell in love with programming and IT system architectures. I was 11 (in 1999) when I learned HTML and the basics of the web, so I grew up with the Hungarian web culture. In the last 20 years, I have worked with a lot of technologies through many trends and eras of IT, from table-based static websites to the VueJS-based dynamic SPA-s, or from Drupal-powered sites to ESP32 microcontroller programming. I’m competent in more than 10 programming languages and countless frameworks.

  • Birthday: 1987. 06. 16. Budapest
  • Website: www.teletype.hu
  • Phone: +3620-489-35-35
  • City: Szeged, Hungary
  • Age: 37
  • Email: rastasi@gmail.com


My orientation is basically technical, I have loved the electronic world since my childhood, but besides that, I love to work with people, especially with children. I have a strong sense of how to teach and present any topic. I’m happy when I get the chance to manage and organize people at work (or even my family and friends), so for that reason my studies have not only been technology-related. I’m a system administrator and a Waldorf teacher as well.

Petrik Lajos Secondary School


System administration (OKJ 54 4641 03)

Török Sándor Waldorf-pedagogical Institute


Waldorf teacher (drama)

Centre of Vocational Education Szeged


Cultural event organizer


Over the last 20 years, I have worked with many technologies. Whenever I have an idea or a new job, I always concentrate on finding solutions, not on the technology stack which provides them. I have the courage and curiosity to learn new languages and frameworks (like all good colleagues), so It’s difficult to write an exhaustive and up-to-date list of my knowledge. This section is just meant to give some insight into my interest and experience.

Backend programming
Databases MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, MongoDB, ElasticSearch90%
Node.js: TypeScript, Express, Sequelize, Mongoose, Knex ES695%
Ruby: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, Grape, Rack::App100%
Python: Django, Flask65%
PHP: Drupal (5.x, 6.x, 7.x)70%
DevOps skills
Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm80%
Kubernetes, Helm, Ansible, Terraform65%
Debian/Ubuntu, ISPConfig3, VMware ESX(i), Jenkins, PM2100%
Frontend programming
HTML, CSS 100%
Foundation, Bootstrap, Material UI80%
Cloud providers
Google Cloud Platform65%
Microsoft Azure65%
Amazon Web Services70%
Other technologies
Pascal, Delphi40%
ESP32, C++50%


I have had a number of jobs in different positions and different kinds of company over the years. In the last few years, I have founded and worked with a couple of startups. I relish this world and working with enthusiastic young teams.

Early years

Gödöllő Waldorf School

2004 - 2008

sysadmin and webmaster

Avignonet Ltd

2009 - 2015

ISP sysadmin (ISPConfig3, PHP, NGNIX, Postfix, Dovecot)

Syrakuza (own team)

2009 - 2017

sales and project manager (Drupal 5.x-6.x-7.x)

Full-time job carreer

PPT Group Ltd

2012 - 2014

ruby programmer (VOIP, XMPP expert)

Hungarian Waldorf Alliance

2013 - 2016

sysadmin and webmaster

Brainsum Ltd

2014 - 2015

Drupal developer (7.x)

VeryCreatives Ltd

2015 - 2016

ruby programmer (Ruby on Rails, React.js)

Electool Hungary Ltd

2016 - 2018

ruby programmer (Ruby on Rails, React.js)

Startup carreer

Addventure Ltd

2016 - 2017

co-founder, lead developer (Ruby on Rails, Express, React.js)

Drukka Startup Studio Ltd

2018 - 2019

CTO (Organizational development, Technology stack development)

Flow Academy Ltd

2017 - 2020

mentor (JavaScript, OSI, SQL, Clean Code, Express, React.js)

Ai Venture Ltd

2017 - 2021

co-founder (Ruby on Rails, Express, React.js, Facebook API, NLP, STT/TTS)

Swipe Technologies Ltd (Salarify)

2017 - 2023

co-founder (former: CTO), (Express, React.js, Ansible, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Terraform)

Smart Babee Hungary Ltd.

2021 - 2023

advisor (backend developer) (Express, React Native, Vue AWS)

My current jobs

ReFilamer Ltd.

2022 - current

advisor (fullstack and microcontroller developer) (Golang, Docker, Vue, Docker, C++, ESP32)

PublishDrive Ltd.

2023 - current

Engineering Team Lead (former: Technical Business Analyst)


I have an interest in many different topics, for example, alternative operating systems and IT history. I have a collection of old game consoles. I love human topics as well, especially history and theology. I’m a Waldorf teacher, so I enjoy reading about psychology, pedagogy, and drama theory.